Equitable TOD: Actions Speak Louder Than Plans

Equitable TOD refers to livable, mixed-use neighborhoods near transit, providing housing for all income levels. Over the years, planners, developers and affordable housing advocates have worked to realize the potential for equitable TOD. As a recent story from the Washington Post uncovers though, mixed-income housing requires more than award-winning plans. It requires a long-term commitment to action and to the people living in these neighborhoods.

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Best and Worst of 2012

This past year I traveled to a number of communities and was inspired by the great work that is happening in places large and small to create thriving, healthy and economically strong places. I saw a number of transportation and urban planning inspirations, but also a few examples where folks had missed the mark or have significant work on improving in 2013.Here is a look at the highs and lows, I witnessed, for Political Action, Social Equity, Transportation Choice and Placemaking.

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