“MZ Strategies, LLC provides strategic assistance on infrastructure, housing and development matters to policy makers, planners, and community leaders working to create thriving, inclusive communities.”
Recent Entries to the Policies and Politics Blog
On April 25, 2022, Mariia Zimmerman, former Principal of MZ Strategies, LLC was sworn in as the new Strategic Advisor for Technical Assistance and Community Solutions at the US Department of Transportation’s Office of the Secretary. With Mariia’s departure MZ Strategies, LLC is currently in hiatus and no longer doing client work.

MZ Strategies, LLC is shuttering its windows for the next few years beginning April 22, 2022. It’s been such an incredible privilege to work with so many incredible organizations, communities, and partners over the last 10 years. The reason for this big change though is a happy one as Founder and Principal, Mariia Zimmerman, has been asked to join the Biden-Harris Administration. More information will be forthcoming about what her new position will be, but it continues her commitment to inclusive, thriving and livable communities. Join Mariia to reflect on some of the key projects and people MZ Strategies engaged in over the past 10 years.

Following on the release last month of TCRP Synthesis 162 authored by MZ Strategies that examines the coordination of public transit services and investments with affordable housing policies, this blog post provides a deeper dive into the five case studies. Atlanta, Boise, Chicago, Kansas City and the San Francisco Bay Area provide a spectrum of approaches and challenges in these regions, but also replicable to other parts of the country.

MZ Strategies, LLC is extremely pleased to have its research on the coordination of public transportation and affordable housing published today by the National Academies Press: TCRP Research Synthesis 162, “Coordination of Public Transit Services and Investments with Affordable Housing Policies.” This research provides a snapshot of past and present approaches to aligning transit and affordable housing. Through case studies of Atlanta, Boise, Chicago, Kansas City and the San Francisco Bay Area region, the report describes the ways that transit agencies and affordable housing policy makers and service providers are innovating and partnering, but also the significant gaps, missed opportunities and needs that remain unmet. The report includes results from a national survey of 51 transit agencies conducted during spring of 2021 that asked respondents to report on ways their own agencies were approaching coordination, and their perceptions of how well other regional housing partners consider and prioritize transit access.

The challenges facing the Biden Harris administration in their first year are unprecedented in my lifetime. Despite this, significant progress has been made particularly on infrastructure. Yet much work lies ahead, especially on voting rights, climate and racial equity. We cannot give up hope or dismiss the passion that so many of us have for a more inclusive, just and stronger America. Thank you, President Biden and Vice President Harris, for not giving up hope either.