Transit’s Fresh Start to Comprehensive Place Making

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) opened 2013 by releasing a set of game-changing documents for transportation and community development. In its newly published New and Small Starts Final Rule and Proposed Policy Guidance, FTA proposes that smart land use and affordable housing be viewed as key components of good transit projects, and good economic development policy. 

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Best and Worst of 2012

This past year I traveled to a number of communities and was inspired by the great work that is happening in places large and small to create thriving, healthy and economically strong places. I saw a number of transportation and urban planning inspirations, but also a few examples where folks had missed the mark or have significant work on improving in 2013.Here is a look at the highs and lows, I witnessed, for Political Action, Social Equity, Transportation Choice and Placemaking.

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The Changing Face of America: Changing the Face of Planning

In thinking about strategies to meet the needs of America’s aging population, we can simultaneously develop strategies to help the next generation. And in doing so, we need to remember that the next generation is much more culturally, racially and ethnically diverse. Finding this sweet spot should be a goal for planners. Are we building communities where people can age in place? Are we building communities where the youth population wants to remain? Are we developing strategies that meet multiple mobility needs and shifting economics? The answers to these questions will undoubtedly need to be tailored to reflect the unique needs of each community.

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It’s time to get Sustainability off the starting blocks.

Earlier this week I travelled to Philadelphia to join other transit professionals at the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) 8th annual Sustainability and Public Transportation Workshop.   Not surprisingly, there was no shortage of inspiring stories from the Philadelphia/Delaware River Valley Region. Of particular inspiration is the work by the regional transit provider, SEPTA, to be an active partner in Mayor Nutter’s efforts to green the City and re-engineer the transit agency to be a global sustainability leader.

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