SPARCCing New Strategies to Ensure Equitable Transit-Oriented Communities

MZ Strategies, LLC developed two new publications on Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) for the Strong Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC). ETOD emphasizes transit’s role in serving mixed-income communities and prioritizes the needs of those who rely on transit. This includes broadening the definition of TOD to include issues of racial equity, community health, access to economic opportunity, and environmental goals. The six SPARCC-supported communities, reflect this shift in many ways and are at the forefront of ETOD strategies. Blog cross-posted from SPARCC. 

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New Publication by MZ Strategies, LLC: Advancing Equitable Transit-Oriented Development through Community Partnerships and Public Sector Leadership

Over the past four years, MZ Strategies has worked with numerous communities to advance equitable development strategies ranging from specific policy initiatives and funding programs, to strengthening multi-sector coalitions, and updating regulatory approaches. Today, we are excited to release a new publication, "Advancing Equitable Transit-Oriented Development through Community Partnerships and Public Sector Leadership." The new report spotlights strategies being used in four regions to create more inclusive communities near transit, and discusses federal tools available to support development of transit real estate assets for affordable housing.

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Starting Anew with Community-Oriented Transit

The challenge before us now is how we will shape the future of our cities. Will growing demand for urban living and walkable neighborhoods help reduce greenhouse gas emissions but lead to gentrification and greater suburbanization of poverty, or will we find a better balance to great place making, equitable access to opportunity, and greener cities? I had an opportunity last week to think about this in my presentation to Baltimore's Transit Choices Coalition.

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Transforming Transportation in the Nation’s Capital and around the Bay Area

Over the past 6 months, MZ Strategies, LLC has examined the recent history of transportation reform efforts in the San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Washington DC regions. Both metro areas have witnessed a significant transportation transformation over the past 15 years – in the types of transportation investments happening, the linkage to land use and development, and the connection to broader social, economic and environmental goals. We are pleased to release today a new report that summarizes key lessons learned from these two regions where advocates, philanthropy, the public sector and private entrepreneurs have created powerful coalitions to make transportation investments work better for people, places and the environment.

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Minnesota's Transit Climate Change – The value of communicating benefits and getting policies right

Money is not the only barrier to transit investment or to supporting development of new housing, job centers, schools or community facilities along transit-served corridors. New efforts in the Twin Cities illustrate two key ingredients required for a transit climate change: effectively communicating the benefits of transit, and removing administrative barriers to development. The beauty of these two are that they cost relatively little, and can be game changers for the short and long-term.


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MZ Strategies Joins the Rail~Volution

Rail~Volution is this country’s premier conference on “building livable communities with transit” and it's hosted this year by Seattle from Oct. 20-23. Mariia Zimmerman, Principal of MZ Strategies will be at the conference and is moderating two sessions and presenting findings from several new reports prepared by MZ Strategies for the University of Minnesota, Enterprise Community Partners, and the Metropolitan Council.

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Lessons from Fruitvale

Reflections from a recent site visit to the San Francisco Bay Area including a reminder of the lasting impact that a single project can have on broader regional reform and innovation. Fruitvale Village in Oakland, CA where community advocates continue to work together to improve community livability, with an emphasis on transit-oriented development.

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