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Snapshots of regional coordination of affordable housing and public transportation: Five Case Studies

Following on the release last month of TCRP Synthesis 162 authored by MZ Strategies that examines the coordination of public transit services and investments with affordable housing policies, this blog post provides a deeper dive into the five case studies. Atlanta, Boise, Chicago, Kansas City and the San Francisco Bay Area provide a spectrum of approaches and challenges in these regions, but also replicable to other parts of the country.

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We Achieve the Most, When We Achieve Together: A look back at 2021

Sharing gratitude and reflecting on the incredible partners and projects that MZ Strategies supported in 2021. Looking ahead to 2022 and ways that we can re-imagine our approaches to planning and community development to achieve more inclusive and equitable outcomes. Taking lessons from Ramsey County, MN and Chicago, IL; I offer my thoughts on how we can co-design planning processes and products to share power between government and community voices to achieve real impact. This has important implications for the billions of dollars that will be invested in 2022 on infrasrtucture.

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MZ Strategies Summer Speaking Engagements

The first six months of 2021 have been busy, and transformative. Earlier this spring we supported Ramsey County, Minnesota unveil its Economic Competitiveness and Inclusion Plan. In June, Mariia Zimmerman will be sharing insights from this, the City of Chicago’s ETOD policy plan which she has also supported, and other forthcoming equitable transit oriented development and inclusive community building projects. Read to learn more and find out how you can join the conversation!

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Coming to Racial Terms with Trickle-Down Urbanism: A personal TOD journey (Part II)

Tranist Oriented Development is a field within urban planning that promotes mixed-use development near transit as a way to revitalize communities and improve the efficiency of our transportation system. It often involves strategies to create more housing, improve walkability and create more places for shopping, gathering, working and enjoying urban life. Last month I wrote about my own personal journey in understanding how cultural racism had influenced my work over the last twenty years on equitable Transit Oriented Development (eTOD).  This month I delve into some ways that racism is baked into our systems, structures and institutions making it an incredible (but not insurmountable) challenge to correct if we are to truly realize EQUITABLE TOD that works for people of all races and income levels.

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SPARCCing New Strategies to Ensure Equitable Transit-Oriented Communities

MZ Strategies, LLC developed two new publications on Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) for the Strong Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC). ETOD emphasizes transit’s role in serving mixed-income communities and prioritizes the needs of those who rely on transit. This includes broadening the definition of TOD to include issues of racial equity, community health, access to economic opportunity, and environmental goals. The six SPARCC-supported communities, reflect this shift in many ways and are at the forefront of ETOD strategies. Blog cross-posted from SPARCC. 

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