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Snapshots of regional coordination of affordable housing and public transportation: Five Case Studies

Following on the release last month of TCRP Synthesis 162 authored by MZ Strategies that examines the coordination of public transit services and investments with affordable housing policies, this blog post provides a deeper dive into the five case studies. Atlanta, Boise, Chicago, Kansas City and the San Francisco Bay Area provide a spectrum of approaches and challenges in these regions, but also replicable to other parts of the country.

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We've got the money. Now what? In search of Transportation Equity

MZ Strategies analysis of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law on November 15, 2021 focuses on its potential to advance transportation equity and support equitable transit oriented development. The bill provides historic funding levels, several important new discretionary grant programs, but little policy change. The likely result will be expansion of our status quo system unless planners, engineers, and community advocates come together to reform, rethink and reprioritize our nation’s infrastructure. The bill creates that potential, but it is a heavy lift that requires all hands on deck.

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MZ Strategies Summer Speaking Engagements

The first six months of 2021 have been busy, and transformative. Earlier this spring we supported Ramsey County, Minnesota unveil its Economic Competitiveness and Inclusion Plan. In June, Mariia Zimmerman will be sharing insights from this, the City of Chicago’s ETOD policy plan which she has also supported, and other forthcoming equitable transit oriented development and inclusive community building projects. Read to learn more and find out how you can join the conversation!

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Looking Ahead to 2021: In Service of the Beloved Community

A look ahead to 2021 and the various projects that MZ Strategies will be undertaking with some incredible partners to realize the vision of Dr King’s Beloved Community based on justice, equal opportunity, and love of one’s fellow human beings. This includes several exciting equitable transit-oriented development projects, economic inclusion and restorative justice projects, and continued cross-sector collaboration to pilot innovative policies and new funding tools.

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Federal eTOD : Promise and Peril

While headlines across the Country, and especially in Washington D.C., have rightfully been focused on racial justice and police brutality some potentially significant federal proposals are moving through Congress and the administration that, if enacted, will have significant long-term impacts on housing affordability, public health, and climate change. Transportation proposes that elevate affordable housing and ETOD. Attacks on national environmental protection laws designed to prevent cancer-causing pollutants and other health risks. Dismantling of affordable housing finance tools. Each requires attention, and despite the heaviness and trauma of the times we live in, all benefit from being shaped by people who will be directly effected by the practices they will formalize, the funding that will be spent, and the impacts that will be felt for generations to come.

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Coming Together to Create Equitable Transit-Oriented Communities along Maryland's Purple Line

This month the Purple Line Corridor Coalition (PLCC), a cross-sector collaborative of organizations from the Maryland suburbs surrounding Washington, DC, released its first Housing Action Plan. MZ Strategies was honored to work with the Coalition over the past year to create this plan, which details twelve actions to increase the production, preservation and protection of housing affordable to working families living in this newly emerging high-capacity transit corridor. The plan is available in English and Spanish on the PLCC website. Beyond the recommendations, the process used to create the plan provides inspiration for other regions pursuing equitable TOD that prioritizes the housing needs of all residents and is committed to fighting displacement.

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SPARCCing New Strategies to Ensure Equitable Transit-Oriented Communities

MZ Strategies, LLC developed two new publications on Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) for the Strong Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC). ETOD emphasizes transit’s role in serving mixed-income communities and prioritizes the needs of those who rely on transit. This includes broadening the definition of TOD to include issues of racial equity, community health, access to economic opportunity, and environmental goals. The six SPARCC-supported communities, reflect this shift in many ways and are at the forefront of ETOD strategies. Blog cross-posted from SPARCC. 

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